Match Stats
87 89
Match Date Wed, Mar 9 2022 at 7:53 pm Server [Discord - - #TDMPickups] The Concrete Jungle - Public & Pickup Games - Duel/TDM [NYC]
Mutators AntiTweakV52, No Redeemer, Map-Vote LAv2, Who Pushed Me? Map Name Curse][ dopepugs edition
Server Info Admin: flux, TDMPickups Admins
Email: -> #TDMPickups

For the love of UT!
Game Info Time Limit: 15
Frag Limit: 35
Goal Team Score: 0
Max Players: 8
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: False
Friendly Fire: 1.000000
Weapon Stay: False
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: abc, DuaLipa

Frags Team

Top fraggers

Frags #5-8


Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ca JD (44th )15:0033333423158.6244.7500:43
us DiamondMind (68th )15:00252526331143.5528.0300:29
ca Xero|HV (46th )15:0016161614153.1323.2401:10
us half.dbs (116th )15:001313132732.5032.3200:36
Totals87 (87)8789972246.9532.0900:45
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
snakewarz (12th )15:002828282651.8528.4000:38
us fresh (24th )15:0025252521353.8530.7900:47
us nomercy (53rd )15:0022222425247.0624.1100:39
mx SOYLALEYENDA (21st )15:0014141522139.4729.8800:44
Totals89 (89)8992943348.0628.3000:42

Kills Match Up
ca JD (44th ) 1   912103
us DiamondMind (68th )  1 18667
ca Xero|HV (46th )  1  6263
us half.dbs (116th )     2137
snakewarz (12th ) 8974    
us fresh (24th ) 792101  2
us nomercy (53rd ) 41046  2 
mx SOYLALEYENDA (21st ) 4416   1

Weapons Summary
EnforcerGES Bio RifleRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
us abc (85th) 1 5 3 5 8 1 124
us DiamondMind (68th ) 3 2 2 4 8 6 3 28
us fresh (24th ) 1 1 11 1 6 4 6 1 31
us half.dbs (116th ) 2 3 2 4 1 113
ca JD (44th ) 4 3 8 4 5 9 134
snakewarz (12th ) 2 1 7 2 2 2 2 8 228
us SNKYPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (10th) 1 2 9 6 18
mx SOYLALEYENDA (21st ) 2 7 1 3 2 15
EnforcerGES Bio RifleRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
us abc (85th) 192 24 15 32 46 110 419
us DiamondMind (68th ) 204 18 27 65 109 149 44 101 717
us fresh (24th ) 47 34 71 49 92 35 328
us half.dbs (116th ) 155 16 18 62 65 29 17 362
ca JD (44th ) 91 20 30 42 79 104 31 41 438
snakewarz (12th ) 77 17 133 111 121 46 90 595
us SNKYPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (10th) 9 1 54 29 313 75 1 482
mx SOYLALEYENDA (21st ) 88 18 106 39 24 31 32 338
EnforcerGES Bio RifleRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
us abc (85th) 22 2 4 9 16 48 101
us DiamondMind (68th ) 41 3 4 9 57 19 49 19 201
us fresh (24th ) 9 20 33 28 11 101
us half.dbs (116th ) 31 2 3 44 11 21 5 117
ca JD (44th ) 27 3 5 14 84 10 36 17 196
snakewarz (12th ) 15 1 24 75 9 29 16 169
us SNKYPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (10th) 1 9 7 29 66 112
mx SOYLALEYENDA (21st ) 16 2 26 24 3 25 5 101
EnforcerGES Bio RifleRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
us abc (85th) 368 115 64 890 86 949 1154 3626
us DiamondMind (68th ) 830 77 112 265 256 407 1292 1090 4329
us fresh (24th ) 54 1645 105 614 560 1061 4039
us half.dbs (116th ) 574 28 485 184 115 504 235 2125
ca JD (44th ) 520 657 189 1214 407 87 744 1345 5163
snakewarz (12th ) 343 51 1538 330 225 501 229 2027 5244
us SNKYPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (10th) 20 292 39 413 1242 617 2623
mx SOYLALEYENDA (21st ) 296 80 1917 105 45 402 247 3092
EnforcerGES Bio RifleRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
us abc (85th) 11.5 8.3 26.7 28.1 34.8 43.6
us DiamondMind (68th ) 20.1 16.7 14.8 13.9 52.3 12.8 111.4 18.8
us fresh (24th ) 19.1 28.2 67.3 30.4 31.4
us half.dbs (116th ) 20.0 12.5 16.7 71.0 16.9 72.4 29.4
ca JD (44th ) 29.7 15.0 16.7 33.3 106.3 9.6 116.1 41.5
snakewarz (12th ) 19.5 5.9 18.0 67.6 7.4 63.0 17.8
us SNKYPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (10th) 11.1 16.7 24.1 9.3 88.0
mx SOYLALEYENDA (21st ) 18.2 11.1 24.5 61.5 12.5 80.7 15.6

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
us DiamondMind (68th ) 3
us fresh (24th ) 2
us half.dbs (116th ) 1
ca JD (44th ) Yes 2 1
us nomercy (53rd ) 1 1
snakewarz (12th ) 1
mx SOYLALEYENDA (21st ) 1
ca Xero|HV (46th )

Pickups Summary
Pads Armour Keg Invisibility Shield
Damage Amp
us DiamondMind (68th ) 1 9 1 5
us fresh (24th ) 7 2 1
us half.dbs (116th ) 2 3
ca JD (44th ) 1 7 2 1
us nomercy (53rd ) 3 3 2
snakewarz (12th ) 5 3 6 5
mx SOYLALEYENDA (21st ) 4 3 1
ca Xero|HV (46th ) 7 4 1