Match Stats
128 70
Match Date Mon, Jan 24 2022 at 1:07 am Server [Discord - - #TDMPickups] Frag Factory - Pubic & Pickup Games - Duel/TDM [Kansas City, MO]]
Mutators AntiTweakV52, No Redeemer, Map-Vote LAv2, Who Pushed Me? Map Name Gatland Facility
Server Info Admin: Max]|[mus-X, flux
Email: Try a new map ;)

For the love of frags!
Game Info Time Limit: 15
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 0
Max Players: 8
Max Specs: 8
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: False
Friendly Fire: 1.000000
Weapon Stay: False
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: Se7eN

Frags Team

Top fraggers

Frags #5-8


Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ca CreeK (302nd )14:59373739152467.1915.6801:05
sornX (15th )14:593535353252.2417.1800:30
pa tonyrayo (109th )14:5930303316363.4633.9701:01
mx SOYLALEYENDA (21st )14:592626261465.0021.1001:10
Totals128 (128)128133775461.9721.9800:57
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us Max]I[muS-X (16th )14:59343435291153.7326.9900:34
us .1mperium\ (26th )14:591717173135.4231.4600:31
us nomercy (53rd )14:5910101137122.4517.0000:26
ca flux (17th )14:599994118.0031.2800:24
Totals70 (70)70721382132.4026.6800:29

Kills Match Up
ca CreeK (302nd ) 222 8111014
sornX (15th )     381212
pa tonyrayo (109th )   3 106125
mx SOYLALEYENDA (21st )     85310
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 6167711  
us .1mperium\ (26th ) 4634    
us nomercy (53rd ) 461   1 
ca flux (17th ) 1233    

Weapons Summary
EnforcerGES Bio RifleShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
us .1mperium\ (26th ) 3 1 5 2 1 2 3 17
us abc (85th) 2 2 4 2 111
ca CreeK (302nd ) 4 27 3 11 1 1 47
ca flux (17th ) 1 1 3 3 1 9
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 4 13 4 2 14 37
sornX (15th ) 1 15 2 1 1 13 235
mx SOYLALEYENDA (21st ) 2 15 1 2 1 4 126
pa tonyrayo (109th ) 3 11 9 1 3 3 1 1 133
EnforcerGES Bio RifleShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
us .1mperium\ (26th ) 140 27 259 114 72 84 89 785
us abc (85th) 146 20 263 58 578 1065
ca CreeK (302nd ) 80 558 121 19 778
ca flux (17th ) 33 30 55 55 29 25 227
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 181 104 52 23 8 473 841
sornX (15th ) 241 3 205 62 128 10 428 1077
mx SOYLALEYENDA (21st ) 21 315 16 39 135 526
pa tonyrayo (109th ) 174 1 130 147 81 20 21 574
EnforcerGES Bio RifleShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
us .1mperium\ (26th ) 23 1 68 86 4 41 24 247
us abc (85th) 27 58 34 62 181
ca CreeK (302nd ) 15 92 14 1 122
ca flux (17th ) 12 26 6 23 4 71
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 40 25 62 1 99 227
sornX (15th ) 45 36 8 17 6 73 185
mx SOYLALEYENDA (21st ) 9 49 20 18 15 111
pa tonyrayo (109th ) 26 1 36 118 4 6 4 195
EnforcerGES Bio RifleShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
us .1mperium\ (26th ) 527 182 3924 283 60 483 494 1146 7099
us abc (85th) 491 2513 208 978 665 4855
ca CreeK (302nd ) 376 6621 316 2545 150 10008
ca flux (17th ) 204 108 90 450 367 268 1487
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 746 1994 287 198 7041 10266
sornX (15th ) 980 2599 82 255 144 281 5766 10107
mx SOYLALEYENDA (21st ) 282 3806 89 306 253 706 5442
pa tonyrayo (109th ) 579 127 2400 778 180 72 459 340 4935
EnforcerGES Bio RifleShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
us .1mperium\ (26th ) 16.4 3.7 26.3 75.4 5.6 48.8 27.0
us abc (85th) 18.5 22.0 58.6 10.7
ca CreeK (302nd ) 18.8 16.5 11.6 5.3
ca flux (17th ) 36.4 47.3 10.9 79.3 16.0
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 22.1 24.0 119.2 4.3 20.9
sornX (15th ) 18.7 17.6 12.9 13.3 60.0 17.1
mx SOYLALEYENDA (21st ) 42.9 15.6 125.0 46.2 11.1
pa tonyrayo (109th ) 14.9 100.0 27.7 80.3 4.9 30.0 19.0

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
us .1mperium\ (26th )
ca CreeK (302nd ) 3 1 1
ca flux (17th )
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 1 1
us nomercy (53rd )
sornX (15th ) Yes 2 2
mx SOYLALEYENDA (21st ) 1 1
pa tonyrayo (109th ) 3

Pickups Summary
Pads Armour Keg Invisibility Shield
Damage Amp
us .1mperium\ (26th ) 2 2 3 1
ca CreeK (302nd ) 3 11 1 4
ca flux (17th ) 3 1
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 5 4 2 3
us nomercy (53rd ) 3 1 3
sornX (15th ) 7 3 1
mx SOYLALEYENDA (21st ) 3 3 8 2
pa tonyrayo (109th ) 1 4 3