Match Stats
155 56
Match Date Wed, Aug 11 2021 at 10:20 pm Server [Discord - - #tdmpickups] Choppa.Zone - Duel & TDM [Chicago]
Mutators AntiTweakV52, No Redeemer, Clanbase Fall Cup 2003 Mutator v1.2!, Map-Vote LAv2, No Invisibility, Shorter Invis, Who Pushed Me?, **Weapon Switch Rate Handler** Map Name DM-Bishop
Server Info Admin: fluxx, Max]|[muS-X, TonyRayo (TonyMontana), ShowNoM3rcy
Email: Try a new map ;)

For the love of UT!
Game Info Time Limit: 15
Frag Limit: 0
Goal Team Score: 0
Max Players: 8
Max Specs: 6
Game Speed: 100
Translocator: False
Friendly Fire: 1.000000
Weapon Stay: False
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2
Ignored Players: diff`lx, abc, Bass|*CreeK~, sLY, noc

Frags Team

Top fraggers

Frags #5-8


Match Summary
Team: Red
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
ca DaSnaksta (28th )15:004545452069.2336.9600:49
ca fresh (24th )15:00383838980.8526.4801:49
us kair0 (4th )15:003737378180.8540.8202:03
us Max]I[muS-X (16th )15:00353536281155.2220.5600:35
Totals155 (155)155156651271.5431.2101:19
Team: Blue
Player Time Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL
us DiamondMind (68th )15:0018181843130.1619.8600:22
ca minteK (58th )15:0017171742129.5114.0200:23
ca flux (17th )15:001515153828.3015.1400:26
us NoAimNoMoves (5th )15:00667411419.3022.8100:24
Totals56 (56)56571641626.8217.9600:24

Kills Match Up
ca DaSnaksta (28th )     151398
ca fresh (24th )     78914
us kair0 (4th ) 1   1071110
us Max]I[muS-X (16th )   1191099
us DiamondMind (68th ) 7327 1  
ca minteK (58th ) 61291   
ca flux (17th ) 3435    
us NoAimNoMoves (5th ) 31 713 1

Weapons Summary
EnforcerGES Bio RifleRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
ca DaSnaksta (28th ) 3 1 10 7 9 7 6 245
us DiamondMind (68th ) 3 1 8 1 4 1 1 120
ca flux (17th ) 2 8 5 15
ca fresh (24th ) 1 21 8 4 4 38
us kair0 (4th ) 12 4 4 8 3 8 39
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 9 1 2 2 8 14 238
ca minteK (58th ) 1 1 3 8 2 2 1 119
us NoAimNoMoves (5th ) 1 4 5 5 15
EnforcerGES Bio RifleRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
ca DaSnaksta (28th ) 173 17 55 166 305 56 88 3 863
us DiamondMind (68th ) 207 1 26 95 69 119 7 46 14 584
ca flux (17th ) 154 15 7 112 736 1 43 15 1083
ca fresh (24th ) 26 1 188 10 30 108 26 389
us kair0 (4th ) 9 66 57 165 73 20 73 463
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 198 20 8 180 5 80 156 647
ca minteK (58th ) 307 2 10 42 16 465 4 99 32 977
us NoAimNoMoves (5th ) 117 31 15 71 32 63 26 127 9 491
EnforcerGES Bio RifleRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
ca DaSnaksta (28th ) 29 2 14 177 34 45 17 1 319
us DiamondMind (68th ) 31 8 20 24 20 4 7 2 116
ca flux (17th ) 30 9 43 63 17 2 164
ca fresh (24th ) 1 1 51 31 13 6 103
us kair0 (4th ) 2 21 78 26 43 7 12 189
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 56 3 4 23 17 30 133
ca minteK (58th ) 34 1 6 10 66 3 12 5 137
us NoAimNoMoves (5th ) 25 2 1 14 22 6 22 20 112
EnforcerGES Bio RifleRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
ca DaSnaksta (28th ) 707 10 1233 832 567 1089 938 67 5443
us DiamondMind (68th ) 560 121 1298 196 209 96 242 134 2856
ca flux (17th ) 563 130 242 866 726 84 2611
ca fresh (24th ) 25 34 4119 744 688 568 6178
us kair0 (4th ) 50 1688 481 361 1032 364 1169 5145
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 1261 25 255 348 1117 2392 5398
ca minteK (58th ) 465 289 358 56 1089 12 672 645 3586
us NoAimNoMoves (5th ) 389 117 630 16 89 405 912 2558
EnforcerGES Bio RifleRipperShock RiflePulse GunMinigunFlak CannonRocket LauncherSniper RifleNoneDouble EnforcersTotal
ca DaSnaksta (28th ) 16.8 11.8 25.5 106.6 11.1 80.4 19.3 33.3
us DiamondMind (68th ) 15.0 30.8 21.0 34.8 16.8 57.1 15.2 14.3
ca flux (17th ) 19.5 60.0 38.4 8.6 39.5 13.3
ca fresh (24th ) 3.8 100.0 27.1 103.3 12.0 23.1
us kair0 (4th ) 22.2 31.8 136.8 15.8 58.9 35.0 16.4
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 28.3 15.0 50.0 12.8 21.3 19.2
ca minteK (58th ) 11.1 50.0 14.3 62.5 14.2 75.0 12.1 15.6
us NoAimNoMoves (5th ) 21.4 6.4 6.7 19.7 68.8 9.5 84.6 15.8

Special Events
First Blood Multis Sprees
Dbl Multi Ultra Mons Kill Ram Dom Uns God
ca DaSnaksta (28th ) Yes 4 4
us DiamondMind (68th ) 1 1
ca flux (17th )
ca fresh (24th ) 2 2 2
us kair0 (4th ) 1 2
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 1 1
ca minteK (58th ) 1
us NoAimNoMoves (5th )

Pickups Summary
Pads Armour Keg Invisibility Shield
Damage Amp
ca DaSnaksta (28th ) 3 7 1 4
us DiamondMind (68th ) 1 2 2
ca flux (17th ) 2 2
ca fresh (24th ) 4 6 2
us kair0 (4th ) 13 2 6
us Max]I[muS-X (16th ) 4 1 2
ca minteK (58th ) 8 3
us NoAimNoMoves (5th ) 1 2 1